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#キリスト教 #思想家 #伝道者 #聖書学者 #福音主義
タイトル: Japan's Modern Prophet: Uchimura Kanzo 1861-1930
Uchimura Kanz was one of Japan&;s foremost thinkers. His ideas influenced contemporary novelists, statesmen, reformers, and religious leaders. The originator and proponent of a particularly "Japanese" form of Christianity known as mukykai, Uchimura struggled with the tensions between his love for the homeland and his love for God. Articulate, prolific, passionate, and profound, he earned a reputation as the most consistent critic of his society and knowledgeable Japanese interpreter of Christianity and its Bible. Through this exceptional man&;s life, John Howes charts what it meant to live during the introduction of Christianity to Japan.